Try Cancer, See How You Like It

cancer patientWhat?  Have I lost my mind?  Why would anyone want to try cancer?  I’ll tell you why; to make damn sure you are doing everything within your power to avoid really getting it.  There is nothing good about cancer, absolutely nothing.  Sure, you’ll hear survivors say, in retrospect, “it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I have a whole new perspective on life”.  Really?  There are a lot of different ways to get a new perspective on life and I’m sure not one of those survivors would have picked cancer as their preferred route to get there.

So how do you try cancer?  You walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, that’s how.  The anti-smoking crowd has finally figured out that the fear of death doesn’t really work as a deterrent.  As humans, our innate egocentric view promotes a deep-seated fear of our own mortality, so we just don’t think about our own death.  Campaigns built around the fear of death don’t work because the people hearing the message just aren’t wired to make the connection.  But, start to mess with the quality of that same person’s life and you have a very different outcome.  The recent TV ads showing the debilitating effects of smoking on cancer patients has been wildly successful.  It turns out the prospect of staying alive in horrendous circumstances has a much more profound effect than the prospect of dying.

Do your part in the campaign against cancer by first walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.  Specifically, go to and witness the Emmy-winning documentary of a young woman’s personal battle.  In doing so, you’ll get a sense for why I spend so much time writing about the things that we now know cause, prevent and cure cancer (just do a search for “cancer” at  It’s the closest thing to actually getting the diagnosis yourself and it should inspire you to make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to avoid a quality of life that just plain sucks.

God bless


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