Life-Changing Medical Alert!

medical information alertWhen Dr. Caldwell B. Essylsten was a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, he presented a bombshell in the American Journal of Cardiology.  He basically asserted that the standards of care for heart disease simply don’t work for most people.  Specifically, “elective angioplasty does not decrease the risk of myocardial infarction or death.  Bypass surgery does not decrease the risk of myocardial infarction, and it benefits survival only in high-risk subsets.  So, it seems we have an enormous paradox.  The disease that is the leading killer of men and women in Western civilization is largely untreated.”  He goes on to point out that “performing interventions has the potential for enormous  financial reward”, whereas lifestyle changes, which are more efficacious with no side effects, provide little or no financial benefit for providers.

Yet, despite The American Medical Association’s (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics, which states that “physicians should sensitively and respectfully disclose all relevant medical information to patients” when it comes to treatment options for heart disease, how often do you think doctors share the benefits of a plant-based diet vs. statins, for example?  For those of you on statin drugs for cholesterol, are you aware that they only work for one out of sixty patients?  Why in the world would you put up with the numerous negative side effects of this prescription drug, such as muscle pain, liver damage and upset stomach, when your chances of it helping are less than 2%?  It’s just crazy, and I’m not making these numbers up, they come right out of the AMA’s Journal of Ethics!  Check out this short video and you’ll see what I mean:

You want the real scoop on what to do about the prevention and cure of heart disease?  Get educated!  I cannot emphasize this enough……it’s your life and it’s also your responsibility to be your most knowledgeable and vocal advocate.  Here are five, clinically-based articles to get you started:

So, given the overwhelming evidence that the adoption of this lifestyle is the highway to health, with the additional benefit that you’ll never, ever have to go on a diet again, here’s your new food pyramid:

Best food pyramid

God bless

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